Sunday, January 29, 2017


So I should probably start this off first by saying; I'm extremely sorry for the lack of recent posts. I can go on and on about how busy I have been, which is 100% true, but I've also just had a lack of motivation. There is one extremely hard thing about blogging and it is that your trying to connect and talk with people, yet people are only coming to read. Not to talk back. So everything feels really one sided. I think I have finally gotten out of this pickle though, and I feel like I'm going to have a lot more time and motivation to do things and put out new content so my blog can be up and running again. So I figured for my first post in a while I'm going to talk about one of the many things, other than my boyfriend and family, that always manages to make me smile, tea.

As I am typing this blog post out, I have a cup of tea next to me, something in which I feel is a tradition while I'm reading, writing, typing blogs, studying, pretty much anything for that matter. I feel like no matter where I am or what I'm doing if I have a cup of tea next to me I am instantly content and just happy and warm. And if I'm instantly happy and warm and content drinking it, I'm obviously going to be happy and content telling you about my favorites! Soooooo, lets begin!

I'm currently drinking Hazelnut Vanilla, which is an amazingly creamy warm blend, perfect for any time of the year, but especially perfect for the cold winter months. Its a black tea, which essentially means it has low caffeine content. Black tea is also suppose to be good for circulation because of its lack of caffeine. Another beneficial part of drinking black tea is that while it steeps it eliminated the antioxidants. Antioxidants can harm body cells if consumed in large quantities.
Some of my favorite teas that I find myself craving or wanting are, in no specific order;
Steeped Tea from Tim Hortons, I get a large with two milk, two sugar. It tasted like a subtle vanilla tea that is rich and creamy.
Carmel Almond Amoretti, I purchase this at Teavana, and one of my favorite things about this tea other than the taste is the fact that it steeps pink in color. I put almond milk and honey in this tea to my preferred taste. And it has a wonderful almond, cinnamon, candy apple taste to it.
Cookie Dough, if anyone remembers as a kid trying to sneak a bite of cookie dough before anyone saw, or as a teenager looking up "edible cookie dough recipes" (which I have a great one for anyone interested) than you will LOVE this tea, and hey, you don't have to worry about getting sick like you were always told was going to happen if you ate cookie dough as a kid. I put milk in this tea, just to make it a bit more creamy, and it is one of my favorite go-to's.
And although this a very broad one, I don't have time to go through all of my teas and pick out all of my favorite chai ones, but I find myself always pulling up this recipe when I have the time to make a wonderful creamy rich cup of tea. It is wonderfully written and very easy to follow, so I suggest to all my chai tea lovers to try it, and if you don't have the time to make your own one of the chai teas I find myself always grabbing is, Lipton Chai Tea Bags, I normally put milk and honey in my cup along with the steeped tea so it gives it a thinker creamier taste that I feel makes chai teas so special and yummy.
Others that I love to drink are; Earl Grey, Mint Chocolate, Spiced Apple, Chocolate Chai, Caramel Truffle, Blueberry Lemonade, Strawberry Orange Sunrise, and Cherry Goddess.
Now although I did mention a lot of teas I also have a lot more that I love. I love drinking tea and I enjoy trying new kinds of tea, and hope that I have inspired someone to try a new kind, even if it is just a sampler, because I myself do love samplers!

And with that being said, I am going to try my hardest to keep up with new content so you guys have something to read! And I hope sometime some of you guys start commenting so we can chat!! Even if you go to my contact page and if you email me privately, I'll do my best to respond as soon as possible! :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night, and that everyone is inspired to try a new tea!
And Together, lets;
Make a Creak!!


  1. I love this post! Where can I find the cookie dough one? :)
