You probably think this post is going to be messed up considering the title claims I'm talking about this thing called, The Plunger Toss. And the image going through your head is people throwing plungers into toilets like its a sport, and I wish I could say that image is not even close to what it actually is, but... that image is exactly what it is. In a small town I visit frequently there is an outdoor rink where, in February, more than 100 people gather to throw toilet plungers into stinky old toilets probably picked up from a dump. I'm kidding about that part, but they are EXTREMELY old and beaten up from the annual sport called The Plunger Toss. Below is going to be a diagram illustration exactly what this "sport" is and how it is played.
So without judging my art, this picture pretty much explains the entire game. You toss the plunger, into the toilet. Yayy!!
If the plunger lands into the toilet bowl you get more points than if it were to land in the circle surrounding the toilet. Now this probably sounds extremely dumb, and maybe it is, but while you're playing it, its probably the best most entertaining thing that anyone will ever do! So it makes it worth it!! And if you're the lucky winner you get a trophy ;) what could be more exciting than getting to explain why you have a trophy that has a toilet and plunger on it!! oh yeah, right. NOTHING!
But actual rules for the game is, if you can imagine horseshoes, you throw a plunger while standing on your preferred side of the toilet, and if the plunger lands inside of the toilet you receive 10 points, whereas if it lands in the surrounding circle you will only receive 1. The game starts off as a round robin tournament which after four, twenty minutes games quickly turns into a game of elimination, its a fight till the death for those whole heartedly into the game, which most people are!
And the most anticipated part of this blog is the results in which were achieved by my group, and here they are; we won two out of the four games played in round robin, losing one game to people who were cheating, and to another team who were INSANLY good!! And after the round robin we made it through the first set of elimination although lost in the final seconds as someone got a 10 point flush!!
So that is what occupied my Saturday, if anyone else has any fun stories of how they enjoy spening their weekends leave a comment!
And together we will;
Make a Creak!!
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