Tuesday, December 13, 2016


It's like jumping off a cliff into water below, it's your first time, and you're with someone amazing, someone you could never imagine would be standing next to you. But they are. And they’ve been through this before, but even in their heads they know it's not the same. This time is different. Or maybe they just say that to make you feel better. But it works. It made you feel better, special, invincible, maybe that’s what propelled you forward. Made you jump first. Maybe it wasn’t. You don’t know. All you know for sure is while you're in the air, falling, you think of him. The one who moments before was by your side. You picture his crystal blue eyes, his soft brown hair, and you think of how perfect he is. How much you think of this boy, who you realize at one point was just a boy, but is now your world. You think of his lips on yours, how they feel like home, his arms when they're around you, and you feel safe. As you're falling you feel safe, and it's an amazing feeling. You realize how happy he makes you, and you start to forget that you're falling into water and not into his arms. Because he's all that’s on your mind. He's in your heart, mind and soul. You don’t think of how unhealthy it is that he consumes you. I want you to know exactly how im feeling. Because it's his eyes that hold promise, and love, it's something you don’t ever want to lose or to look away from. They are the loveliest blue eyes. I don’t feel like I'm falling without him because he's all that’s on my mind and it feels like he's right beside me. It’s a terrifying feeling I think of now, the feeling of what is at the end of the fall, I never asked him before I leapt. Maybe that was my first mistake. Or maybe my first mistake was jumping in the first place. But he promised he'd catch me. He promised he'd never hurt me. But how can you promise such a thing. Maybe his intent was to catch me, but it was me who jumped first, and we were falling just as hard and just as fast. And maybe as he was falling he realized it wasn’t me he wanted to catch in the end. I wasn’t worth catching. But to me he was worth catching. And as I was thinking about a life at the end of the fall with him he was thinking about climbing back up that cliff and jumping again, this time with a more beautiful girl. Someone he would be proud to call his. So I didn’t expect it.
I didn’t expect the end of the fall. Falling into something ice cold. It took the wind out of me and I felt as if I was dying, yet even though my body was about to shut down on itself, to give up. It thought of him, it craved him, so it broke through the water, into the air, the same air he breathed and I accepted him with open arms. And I caught him. He was safe. Happy. Carefree. I didn’t tell him how much it had hurt me, and that it had killed me inside, but he breathed the air back into me to catch him. That the thought of him not feeling pain made my pain bearable. I didn’t tell him any of this because he wasn’t in my arms long enough for me to say it. He began to swim away. I couldn’t see who he was swimming to, but I could tell it wasn’t me. Because he wasn’t still feeling the pain of falling for someone, the numb feeling it gives you, where you can't do anything but love them. And I guess that’s what it feels like to fall in love. It's one person who at the end is left feeling the pain, because it hurts when they're gone, and they’ll never know that. You're stuck there, with nothing. Nothing but the memory of the blue eyes boy with the soft brown hair, the lips that feel like home and the arms you never want to leave.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I LOVE my job.. Is that to strong of a word for such a disgusting thing? You may think so, although, I do not!! My job is quite simple, I socialize. Yes I do. I mean its not all that I do, but it is the thing that I do the most of. I work at a nursing home for the elderly, and my position is a Student Nursing Aid. I make well over minimum wage and thoroughly enjoy the residents I assist. But its not the money that keeps me there, its the stories... Its the smiles I see when I walk them to dinner, the smiles I see when I talk to them. The look in their eyes and on their faces when they are content and telling a story, A story you know they have probably told a million times and can only hope they will tell a million more...
A resident at my work last night thanked me for how much I have helped her, how just my presence is reassuring and that she is thankful for everything I do, have done and will continue to do. She is a stereotypical old lady who calls you "love", "honey" and "sweetheart". Although the thing is, they all thank me, but in reality it is them who I should be thanking. They have opened a part of me that I never knew existed, a part where one of my favourite things to do is talk, and tell stories (maybe that's why I started a blog... ). The residents at my work have taught me to be thankful of every single thing that I am given. To smile because life is worth it. And they also taught me that life is the most valuable thing. For thanksgiving this year the residents made a tree of all of the things we were thankful for, the most reoccurring thing was life. Why is this? Probably because they've lived long enough to see just about all of it. They know there are rough spots, and they know there are not so rough spots.They also know that at the end of the day it was just a day, it may have been a good one or bad one, but either way it was still, just, a day...
The things I get to learn and have learnt at work are things I will use to aid me in the understanding of the rest of my life. These things will be life lessons I will never forget, so a thank you to my work and all that they have ,done. Rest in peace to the residents who have passed away, and welcome to the residents who will be coming to live at the home. I hope to bring a smile to your face at least once!!

And thank you to everyone who has read this blog post!
I hope you will consider leaving a comment and tuning into my next post!!
Leave a comment about your job experiences!
And Together Lets Make a Creak!!

Monday, October 31, 2016


Well you guessed it, I am in the Halloween spirit, and what better way to showcase that than to share some jokes? Oh yeah... there is no better way!!!
Here are some of the many jokes I have heard/learned over the years, and please if you have any more, put them in the comments and  show your Halloween spirit as well!!

Why did the skeleton cross the road? 
Because he was gutless!

Why did the skeleton cross the road alone?
Because he had noBODY to go with him!

What is a ghosts favourite meal?

What did the witch go to school for?

What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A plumpkin.

Why is superman's costume so tight?
Because he is wearing a size "S".

What is the ghost families favourite dessert?
I scream!

Why are skeletons so mean?
Because they're heartless.

What do birds give out on Halloween?

Why cant mummies go on vacation?
Because they're afraid they will relax and unwind.

Comment any jokes you want to share!
Together Lets Make a Creak!

Saturday, October 22, 2016


If you treat reading blogs like a sport you may have heard of #IfWeWereHavingCoffee. The concept is that I treat this blog post as if I was having a conversation with each and everyone of my readers, thanking them as well as telling them about my week and what I plan for the week ahead. So I heard about this and thought, why not? Cant cause me any harm, so here I present you my first "If We Were Having Coffee".....
To start if we were having coffee I would be a typical white girl and say scratch the coffee, I want a latte. Now that we have that out there I would begin to tell you about my week. Although me being me, I am still a high school student, so my week was really boring, although since were out for coffee, I would tell you about it anyway, here it goes;
Monday; Ate breakfast, probably toast. Went to school, suffered through English class where I had a short quiz on the book The Orphan Masters Son By Adam Johnston. Probably failed the test because I strongly dislike being told what to read. Went to my favourite class which is SAP (Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology). Than lunch where I had a burger. Than I went home early because I had a dentist appointment. After that I went to work at the retirement home. Than had meatballs for dinner before doing homework and sleeping.
Tuesday; Woke up, had a muffin for breakfast. Repeated pretty much my entire day that I did yesterday, although I actually went to my afternoon classes today, which were Biology where I learned about Nucleic Acids, than went to Chemistry where I did a Macromolecule lab. After that I went home, worked, ate dinner, did homework slept.
....By now I realize how boring I am and skip to my plans for next week...
I tell you that in the weeks to come I will be posting twice at minimum, one will probably be a rant the next will be something along the lines of a "My Fall Favourites". So I hope you follow by putting your email in the follow section so you are alerted whenever I post something new!! And if you would like give me a comment!! I would love to hear from you all!
....I finish up my latte and say "till next time"
And that is that;
So together Lets Make a Creak!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016


So from the title of this post you're probably thinking I'm slightly crazy, why does this girl not want money? And you're right, tell me the world would be better without money a couple years ago and I would probably think you're crazy too. But than I started researching. I don't really know what made me think of researching it, but in school there is this project, its called "Genius Hour" and its an independent study unit, you learn what you want to learn rather than what the curriculum wants you to learn. And I had decided for money to be my topic.
So lets start this off with a simple question... what is money..? Well money is an object, and want to know why it has worth? Because WE BELIEVE IT DOES. If he all just stopped believing money was important and that it had a great worth it would be nothing but paper and/or metal. That's it. That's all money is. Yet we let it run our lives, we let paper and metals run our lives. We judge people who don't have it, and we envy those who have more than we do. We stress about it, some of us work day in and day out just to feed our kids and/or ourselves. We struggle to send our kids to post secondary, why? Because without it, they wont have enough money to survive in the world. They would get minimum wage, or just above minimum wage. When our kids get high marks and over achieve we are ecstatic, because they will be able to have any job they want. Money is something everyone needs. Without it we wouldn't be able to live comfortably. But that is only because we believe that. Everyone believes it, so the economy runs off of it. BUT, have you ever heard of a Gift Economy? Because a Gift Economy could be the future, it could make us have a future without money. This is how the Gift Economy works; it is a mode of exchange where you give something, without selling it to the person, trading it, or you don't give it to them with an agreement they must follow in order to receive more. This is how we wold would use it; you're a farmer so you give people food, you're a teacher so you teach people, you're a doctor so you help people, you make shoes so you can give them to people, etc. So by everyone gifting things everyone is receiving what they need to survive and, no one is left out. Although maybe that seems too far fetched, like it could never happen in our world. Well im here to tell you that it already does. Look outside, do you see a squirrel? If so where did it get its food? From the trees right? The trees gifted the nut to the squirrel because he had no use for it. And maybe you still don't think it'll work. lets talk about Anuta, Anuta is a small island that runs almost solely off of this system. They don't but things on the island but rather give what hey can and get what they need. Everyone does a chore in which they must so they can all survive. 
I know this whole concept seems extremely far fetched, but it can be done, it is being done. The only thing we have to keep in mind is We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when making them -Albert Einstein. 

So in conclusion to that;
Together Lets Make a Creak!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Can you honestly, truthfully, no stuttering or stopping to question yourself, say you like studying? no? Well, I can.
Here are some tips and tricks that I use to help me with late night cram sessions and even just because why the hell not, I know I'll have to study at some point anyway.

TIP 1:
The main thing  have to do while studying is write it down, typing is wonderful, but I truly believe in the hand to brain aspect of studying, 
TIP 2:
Take notes, while you are learning the material, take notes on it, use that chicken scratch to help further deepen the knowledge of what you have already read while you prepare for the test.
TIP 3:
Give yourself time! do not just sit down and be like, i have to learn everything in the next 20 minutes! You will get no where!! Give yourself half an hour every night before the test and do one piece at a time.
TIP 4:
Use colour! If you ever had the chance to go through the notes I take you would be in shock. Rarely do I ever write with black or blue pen, my notes look like unicorn poo!! I find it easier to use different colours so that I actually want to look at my notes when the time comes.
TIP 5:
Listen to music, this is totally up to you, but i find it easier to digest when I am listening to music. Plus, its a great way to block out what is happening around you!
TIP 6:
Highlight, but only highlight the important stuff, like definitions or key point, the main elements of the reading. 
TIP 7:
Write down definitions, make definitions as easy to grab as possible, like writing them down so you can look back on them with ease.
TIP 8:
Take summary notes of chapters in your text book or for handouts.
TIP 9:
Do your  homework! Do your homework even if your teacher isn't checking it, its practice for the test!
And along with this, redo homework questions while studying.
TIP 10:
Redraw diagrams from your notes rather than just looking at them, it helps to memorize it.
TIP 11:
Get rid of distractions, turn off Netflix, don't try doing math while you're dong English, and focus on one subject.

I hope you use some of my tips to help see what works for you!! 
Together Lets Make a Creak!!

Monday, October 3, 2016


Well you guessed it, today is October 3rd. Also known as national boyfriend day. So in all honesty I have no idea how this post will turn out. Like no freaking idea. None. But whatever, Always good to try something new, am I right or am I right?
Soo, in light of national boyfriend day I decided we would have a little story time...
Once upon a time on a big yellow school bus (because insurance and licenses are so damn expensive not to mention you also need to have a car..) on the way to a small little town was a girl, (me) who was definitely not good looking, met a boy who she first met when she was just a little girl at daycare. And who had played hockey with her and others a few times at the local outdoor rink. This boy was VERRRRRYYyy good looking. Like super good looking. Like he is the kind of guy you have to take your sunglasses off for to make sure they aren't lying about his looks kind of guy. Like holy guacamole. BUT, back to the story. The girl paid close attention to this boy, who she thought showed no attention to her, and when their bus stop came and they got off all she could think of was this boy. She may have went home and creeped his Instagram a little bit, totally procrastinating, because that's what she does best. But finally she got to her homework, because she had plans with a couple of her friends later that night to go see a movie at the theaters.
On the way to the theaters she tried to casually bring this guy up in conversation to see if either of her friends knew him, or knew of him. She came up empty handed and figure she would drop the conversation, this guy was wayyyyyyyy out of her league anyway...
Image result for taters going to tateWhen the movie finished she turned on her phone and notices a guy was liking her Instagram pictures, but not just any guy, THE GUY. She was ecstatic!!! But all he did was like her pictures... he hadn't DM'd her or anything yet.. so she decided to go and like his pictures. yup.. she did...
And like that she earned a DM!!
This DM turned into many exchanges of messages, funny memes mostly, like the one we still joke around about today "Taters going to Tate". This was sent by him because we discussed favourite TV shows and mine was American Horror Story. *Heart eyes* to Evan Peters.
We continued to talk after that, i gave him my number, and since that day we haven't gone a day without at least one text. He brought me out to Tim Hortons for my birthday, because the Nutella donuts literally just came out. Thank god he could drive, they were heaven.
And since than I've learned everything about the boy, and I've fallen for every single thing he does, I'm constantly thinking about him. And his baby blue eyes that are grey in some lighting, and when he is happy have a ring of yellow by the pupil, I've fallen for his laugh and his smile.
And that is how I met my boyfriend, our journey together began three years ago, and I believe it will last for many more years to come.
And this is not the end, its just the beginning..

So shout out to my Love for putting up with all my craziness, And for the endless amount of kisses, smiles, cuddles, laughs, snuggles and loving he has given me over the time. You mean the world to me. And I hope everyone is as happy as I am when I'm with you at some point in their life.

Thank you for reading my story.
Together Lets Make a Creak 

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Stumbling upon this post on my blog may just be your lucky day. Because let's face it, everyone likes to know some juicy details about people they don't exactly know, it's easier to read about someone else and their problems than acknowledge your own. Right? I mean that's what I like to do.. maybe it's just me.... or maybe not, guess I'll never really know!
But this post is going to be all about me. Yes me. The girl who types these posts hoping and praying someone is reading it. But who exactly is me?
Well my name is Emily. It's nothing to fancy, nothing people normally pronounce wrong, pretty simple, easy name to roll off your tongue. Although with a simple name comes a not so simple girl. So I'll try to explain myself here for you with some simple everyday questions. We will pretend this is Match, or Tinder, or some other site where you creep on people, see if they have a chance, or just use for the time being whatever floats your boat at the time.
Well anyway, that was a long introduction, might as well get to it, here are the questions;
What languages can you speak?
My first language is English, and I like to think that I can speak French, just because I spent 6 years learning it. Although let's be honest... I'm extremely limited.
What language do you want to learn?
I have always wanted to learn Spanish, I mean I have the brown hair and brown eyes just like Dora, so why not right..?
Do you prefer the Titanic or The Notebook?
Is there an option for something more action packed in that question..? Maybe something along the lines of The Fundamentals of Caring? Or if we have to go to the classics I really enjoy Happy Gilmore or Forest Gump. But if you're pressuring me into answering the question, I would say The Notebook, the Titanic is good and all, but it's more emotional, and sometimes I'm not about that life.
Who's your favourite person in the world?
He knows who he is, I think that is all that matters.
What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse?
I would go to the nearest Costco with all of the people who mean the most to me and I would barricade the doors so they couldn't get in and than I would get fat and eat as much as possible. Really indulging in the Brookside Chocolate Clusters.
How big is your family?
I have a mom a dad, and two younger brothers. As well as my puppy and my old fat cat.
Do you know a hoarder?
If hoarding pictures counts, than I am one...
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Obviously closed. No if, ands, or buts. Just closed.
First concert you went to?
Hedley with my mom and brother when I was 11 or 12 I think.
What is your dream job?
My dream job would to be a therapist for people returning from the army suffering from things such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc. I want to make it easier for the transition from military life to civilian life in what ever ways possible.
There is a little bit about me, I hope you enjoyed and if you did comment and follow my email list to get notified when ever I make a creak on my blog!

Together Let's Make a Creak!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Summer has already began and the heat is wild, give us a break mother nature!! We don't deserve this!! Although honestly, I'm not complaining, summer is my favorite season, the heat doesn't have anything on me!!
But lets get back to the point of this post, what ever age you are, you probably enjoy summer, I mean who doesn't!! If you're in school its your time off, if you're an adult its nice to just get out and do things, whether its with your kids, your significant other, or even just alone. Its the perfect season to explore, travel, relax or just see your friends!
I find that during the summer I have so much time and sometimes I have no idea what to do with it, but from what I've been through I've learned some tricks, and I am willing to share some with you! Here they are; 50 things to try this summer to make it your most memorable one yet;

  1. Go to the beach
  2. Get  ice cream
  3. Spend time with your family
  4. Go camping
  5. Travel
  6. Have a photo shoot
  7. Go for a hike
  8. Make a bucket list, then DO IT!!
  9. See your friends
  10. Watch the stars
  11. Walk around your neighborhood, but STAY SAFE!
  12. Join a team or club
  13. Read a book
  14. Watch a sunset
  15. Enjoy time to yourself
  16. Get a summer job
  17. Tan
  18. Swim
  19. Try the haircut you've been wanting to try
  20. Make weekly goals
  21. Go for runs
  22. Drink lots of water
  23. Drink smoothies
  24. Have a Picnic
  25. Go to a drive in to watch a movie
  26. Go to a trampoline room
  27. Have a sleep over
  28. Have a pillow fight
  29. Go to a concert
  30. Go to a splash park
  31. Go to a farmers market
  32. Go play with sidewalk chalk
  33. Have breakfast for dinner
  34. Make popsicles
  35. Have movie marathons 
  36. Take risks
  37. Have a BBQ/Cookout with friends/family
  38. Go to the zoo
  39. Feed the ducks
  40. Make your own blog
  41. Make some vlogs, either for yourself, or for YouTube
  42. Blow some bubbles
  43. Make a sandcastle
  44. Go on a treasure hunt
  45. Go geocaching
  46. Bake cookies
  47. Watch scary movies
  48. Sleep in
  49. Make a relay and do it with friends
  50. HAVE FUN!!
Those are just some of the many things I will be doing, and you can do to, inside or outside. But most importantly, whatever you do, wherever you are, stay safe, have fun and...

Together Lets Make a Creak

Sunday, July 17, 2016


If you've happened to stumble across my blog you will see that it is still currently a work in progress. I myself know things don't happen overnight and with that I don't expect it too. This blog is an outlet for the everyday things that go on. If you're interested in DIYs, food and recipes, chats, music, fashion, adventures or anything under the sky happening in my life that I believe could also possibly be happening in yours, you've stumbled across the right place.
This is a place where race, gender, age or sexuality plays no effect. There is no judging of any sort and everyone is welcome with open arms. So please join me on life's many recorded adventures and stay tuned!!!!

Together Lets Make a Creak!!!!!