Monday, October 31, 2016


Well you guessed it, I am in the Halloween spirit, and what better way to showcase that than to share some jokes? Oh yeah... there is no better way!!!
Here are some of the many jokes I have heard/learned over the years, and please if you have any more, put them in the comments and  show your Halloween spirit as well!!

Why did the skeleton cross the road? 
Because he was gutless!

Why did the skeleton cross the road alone?
Because he had noBODY to go with him!

What is a ghosts favourite meal?

What did the witch go to school for?

What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A plumpkin.

Why is superman's costume so tight?
Because he is wearing a size "S".

What is the ghost families favourite dessert?
I scream!

Why are skeletons so mean?
Because they're heartless.

What do birds give out on Halloween?

Why cant mummies go on vacation?
Because they're afraid they will relax and unwind.

Comment any jokes you want to share!
Together Lets Make a Creak!

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