So from the title of this post you're probably thinking I'm slightly crazy, why does this girl not want money? And you're right, tell me the world would be better without money a couple years ago and I would probably think you're crazy too. But than I started researching. I don't really know what made me think of researching it, but in school there is this project, its called "Genius Hour" and its an independent study unit, you learn what you want to learn rather than what the curriculum wants you to learn. And I had decided for money to be my topic.
So lets start this off with a simple question... what is money..? Well money is an object, and want to know why it has worth? Because WE BELIEVE IT DOES. If he all just stopped believing money was important and that it had a great worth it would be nothing but paper and/or metal. That's it. That's all money is. Yet we let it run our lives, we let paper and metals run our lives. We judge people who don't have it, and we envy those who have more than we do. We stress about it, some of us work day in and day out just to feed our kids and/or ourselves. We struggle to send our kids to post secondary, why? Because without it, they wont have enough money to survive in the world. They would get minimum wage, or just above minimum wage. When our kids get high marks and over achieve we are ecstatic, because they will be able to have any job they want. Money is something everyone needs. Without it we wouldn't be able to live comfortably. But that is only because we believe that. Everyone believes it, so the economy runs off of it. BUT, have you ever heard of a Gift Economy? Because a Gift Economy could be the future, it could make us have a future without money. This is how the Gift Economy works; it is a mode of exchange where you give something, without selling it to the person, trading it, or you don't give it to them with an agreement they must follow in order to receive more. This is how we wold would use it; you're a farmer so you give people food, you're a teacher so you teach people, you're a doctor so you help people, you make shoes so you can give them to people, etc. So by everyone gifting things everyone is receiving what they need to survive and, no one is left out. Although maybe that seems too far fetched, like it could never happen in our world. Well im here to tell you that it already does. Look outside, do you see a squirrel? If so where did it get its food? From the trees right? The trees gifted the nut to the squirrel because he had no use for it. And maybe you still don't think it'll work. lets talk about Anuta, Anuta is a small island that runs almost solely off of this system. They don't but things on the island but rather give what hey can and get what they need. Everyone does a chore in which they must so they can all survive.
I know this whole concept seems extremely far fetched, but it can be done, it is being done. The only thing we have to keep in mind is We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when making them -Albert Einstein.
So in conclusion to that;
Together Lets Make a Creak!
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