Stumbling upon this post on my blog may just be your lucky day. Because let's face it, everyone likes to know some juicy details about people they don't exactly know, it's easier to read about someone else and their problems than acknowledge your own. Right? I mean that's what I like to do.. maybe it's just me.... or maybe not, guess I'll never really know!
But this post is going to be all about me. Yes me. The girl who types these posts hoping and praying someone is reading it. But who exactly is me?
Well my name is Emily. It's nothing to fancy, nothing people normally pronounce wrong, pretty simple, easy name to roll off your tongue. Although with a simple name comes a not so simple girl. So I'll try to explain myself here for you with some simple everyday questions. We will pretend this is Match, or Tinder, or some other site where you creep on people, see if they have a chance, or just use for the time being whatever floats your boat at the time.
Well anyway, that was a long introduction, might as well get to it, here are the questions;
What languages can you speak?
My first language is English, and I like to think that I can speak French, just because I spent 6 years learning it. Although let's be honest... I'm extremely limited.
What language do you want to learn?
I have always wanted to learn Spanish, I mean I have the brown hair and brown eyes just like Dora, so why not right..?
Do you prefer the Titanic or The Notebook?
Is there an option for something more action packed in that question..? Maybe something along the lines of The Fundamentals of Caring? Or if we have to go to the classics I really enjoy Happy Gilmore or Forest Gump. But if you're pressuring me into answering the question, I would say The Notebook, the Titanic is good and all, but it's more emotional, and sometimes I'm not about that life.
Who's your favourite person in the world?
He knows who he is, I think that is all that matters.
What would you do if there was a zombie apocalypse?
I would go to the nearest Costco with all of the people who mean the most to me and I would barricade the doors so they couldn't get in and than I would get fat and eat as much as possible. Really indulging in the Brookside Chocolate Clusters.
How big is your family?
I have a mom a dad, and two younger brothers. As well as my puppy and my old fat cat.
Do you know a hoarder?
If hoarding pictures counts, than I am one...
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Obviously closed. No if, ands, or buts. Just closed.
First concert you went to?
Hedley with my mom and brother when I was 11 or 12 I think.
What is your dream job?
My dream job would to be a therapist for people returning from the army suffering from things such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc. I want to make it easier for the transition from military life to civilian life in what ever ways possible.
There is a little bit about me, I hope you enjoyed and if you did comment and follow my email list to get notified when ever I make a creak on my blog!
Together Let's Make a Creak!